Thursday, 24 November 2016


That is the title of a masterpiece written by the late great Servant of God, Dr Oral Robert. The title captions my message for you.
It has become a tradition of many churches to pick a theme for a New Year which guides the leadership and follower-ship. Often, some members have some testimonies which came their way according to their faith in the theme.
Today is 25 November and may be you are disturbed that your own testimonies have not come yet. Stop worrying yourself. Our God created the Heaven and the Earth in six days. One day is too much for Him to bring your miracles to your doorstep.
God is on time, at the fullness of time, all your blessings for this year will come your way and you will be having a harvest of testimonies to the glory of God.
Remember the people of God had been living in penury for centuries in Egypt until the eve of the Exodus when God orchestrated the wealth transfer that made them rich in gold overnight. How could you explain it that people who were barely getting by and by would become rich in gold overnight? That is what God could do(Exodus 12:35&36).  As the Lord lives, I don't care what you are going thru now, it doesn't matter what is happening around you now, all I know is, as the Lord lives, you are crossing over to the New Year rejoicing in Jesus name.
We are in the eve of our Exodus from 2016 to the Promised Land (2017). Get ready for your own riches and wealth that will make you an enviable status to the people who will hear about your turn around. It is your turn to celebrate in Jesus name.
However, this covenant of wealth transfer will not work for you except you are a child of God who has accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Those who reject Christ Jesus dwell under curse and not blessing! (Galatians 3:13&14).  
To become a Child of God is too simple to be postponed. It is just a prayer away! Pray this simple prayer with me loudly:
Father in the name of Jesus. I come to you as a sinner. I cannot save myself, I know and believe Jesus died for my sins and rose up from the dead the third day for my justification. Lord Jesus, I welcome you into my life and part ways with satan forever. Father, write my name in the Book of life. Holy Spirit, take over my life and make me yours forever in Jesus name.
If you have just prayed this prayer for the first time, let me know by your comment or write me
God bless you. 

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