Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Devotions – Right From The Heart Ministries - THE COMMON THREAD

"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above." - James 1:17
What are the greatest blessings in your life? Take a few moments to jot down what you feel are some of life’s greatest blessings. If you’re feeling real grumpy today, this will really help you! Just give it a try. Now as you think of those blessings, I ask you, “Is there a common thread through the blessings, and why are those blessings so great? What makes them unique?”
In addition to my Christian grandparents and parents, I’m also thankful that God has blessed me with an incredible Christian wife. And what’s so interesting is she has a similar heritage. We had nothing to do with those Christian grandparents. We had nothing to do with Christian parents. It was all by the grace of God that we received these blessings. We’re also blessed with Christian siblings. We’re blessed with three sons, along with their wives, that all have real relationships with the Lord. Not only that, but they’ve blessed us with beautiful grandchildren, as well! And, of course, we are blessed with countless friends.
My point in all of this is our greatest blessings are really relationships. And seemingly, in my life, the most significant relationships have that common bond with Jesus Christ. But I want you to know these blessings are not perfect. Sure, they’re all influenced with that relationship with Christ, but they are imperfect because all of us sin. All of my relatives sin. I sin. My wife sins. We all sin.
So, what is the perfect blessing? Well, the one perfect blessing is Jesus. He is the perfect gift. When we’re called to heaven, or when He returns, that is when we will be perfect like Jesus. And that, my friends is the greatest blessing of all.

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