Monday, 12 September 2016

WHERE ARE THE WATCHERS?- Femi Fani-Kayode Roars!

Image result for photos of Femi Fani-Kayode

Abaddon, the prince of destruction hovers over our nation. Magog, the prince of war marches towards our shores. Asmodeus, the prince of suffering and death beats his drums over our country.

Belial, Leviathan and Astoreth, the three Crown Princes of Hell, are knocking at our door.

The Bonded Woman and the Queen of Heaven have taken our throne and infested our waters whilst Molech, Hecate, Beelzebub, Azazel, Balaam, Behemoth, Bile, Cimeries, Coyote, Damballa, Dagon, Mormo and Mictian have plagued our fields and soiled our walls.

In the name of God I ask, who is manning our gates and where are the watchmen and the watchers? Where are God's servants and the defenders of the realm? Where are those who are called to pray into the dead of the night?

The sons of the Nephilim dance and rejoice as
poverty, hardship, cruelty, fear, famine, injustice, bloodshed, decay, deceit, wickedness and double standards stalk our land and covers it with a dark satanic veil, shutting out the glorious light of God's love, mercy and blessings.

O Nigerians what have you done to yourselves and who has bewitched you? Who has cast this evil spell that has blinded you to all reason and rationality?

What compels you to slash open your own stomachs with the sharpest of blades and to remove your own bowels?

Yet the gullible and dull, like madmen swimming in a pool of their own faeces, rejoice at the sheer callousnes and insensitivity of their broom-waving demi-god.

Little do they know that by the time he finishes with them and the clapping stops they will have nothing left.

He will strip them bare, drain their blood, devour their flesh, steal their glory, blight their star, bring them to their knees and turn them them into the living dead. They will be as chaff before the wind and, like vagabonds, paupers and beggars, they shall wander in the cold of the night. 

That is the spirit of mai chanji for you. That is what it does and that is all that it brings: sadness, misery, loneliness, fear, poverty, death decay and cancerous destruction.

The Holy Bible says "my son meddle NOT with them that are given to CHANGE. For their calamity shall rise suddenly and who knoweth the ruin of them both?"(Proverbs 24 21:22)

May God judge those who invoked this demon and who enthroned him as King. He is the veritable personification of evil and the diabolical manifestation of Lucifer, the Lord of the Flies.

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