Friday 31 August 2018

NBA Communique

The 58th Annual General Conference of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) held at the International Conference Centre, Abuja, Nigeria from the 26th to the 30th Day of August 2018 under the theme “TRANSITION, TRANSFORMATION AND SUSTAINABLE INSTITUTIONS.”
The Conference was formally declared open at about 6pm on Sunday the 26th day of August 2018, by the President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR. The keynote address was delivered by President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana with a conversation elegantly anchored by HRH Emir of Kano. A goodwill message was delivered by Chief Justice WSN Onnoghen of Nigeria, while a Conversation with Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo centred on the Nigerian economy took place,
In attendance were several dignitaries including former Nigerian Head of State General Abdulsalaam Abubakar, members of the diplomatic community, the Chief Justice, the NBA President and President-elect, officers and members of the NBA including the inner and utter Bar, the Attorney-General/ Minister of Justice Abubakar Malami, SAN, HRH The Emir of Kano amid other traditional rulers, Justices of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal, Honourable Chief Judges and Judges of the Federal High Court and States. Also present were several State Governors, Senators, Federal and State Representatives, Heads of government agencies, captains of industry, human rights community, diplomatic community, physically challenged, Nigerian lawyers across the spectrum, clergy, Magistrates, members of the public and the Press.
The conference had over 10,000 registered delegates and invited guests  drawn mainly from Nigeria and the rest of the world and ended with the Annual General Meeting of the NBA. There was a total of 33 sessions and over 130 resource persons.
The fol
lowing resolutions were adopted during the conference.
Conference completely rejects the presidential statement subordinating the Rule of Law to National Security. The NBA restates that the Rule of Law is central to a democracy and any National Security concerns by the government must be managed within the perimeters and parameters of the Rule of Law.
As a corollary, Conference frowns at the present growing trend whereby government decides on which court orders to obey. The court has exclusive duty under a democratic dispensation to interpret the Constitution and other laws, and government and the citizenry must comply with court orders at all times until set aside.
Conference emphatically
Objects to the issuance of Executive Orders in respect to matters already in court and observes that any such order is a breach of the principle of separation of powers; and
Counsels that Executive Orders be issued for good governance and to manage operations of government, and not to encroach or usurp upon the constitutional powers of other arms of government, lest Executive Orders become attempts at decree-making.
Conference resolved that our democracy can be better strengthened by an independent judiciary and consequently calls for a budgetary arrangement that allows for funds to be directly allocated to the judiciary at Federal and State levels.
On the part of the Judiciary, conference welcomed the ongoing reforms in the Justice Sector especially as it pertains to technological innovations that will improve access to justice by the citizenry.
Conference acknowledges that strength of character is required for the building of strong institutions. In this regard, the NBA urges government and civil society to invest in the rebirth, through ethical, moral and value reorientation, of a new type of citizen.
Conference calls for the institutionalisation of higher standards for transformational leadership and in this regard, calls for new laws to set higher standards of academic qualifications for political office holders in Nigeria.

Conference advocates for structures that can aid Good Governance and, in this regard, calls on NBA members to use the already existing skills of advocacy and persuasion to encourage citizens to vote for competent leaders. Candidates must accept election outcomes rather than encourage violent protests.
Conference calls upon the Executive and Legislative arms to learn to practice mutual respect for their respective functions as a tool for building institutions and achieving sustainable development. In this regard, public interest must be enthroned as a central pivot of governance, and the current bickering must be reduced to the barest minimum.
Conference acknowledges the robust efforts by the Presidential Ease of Doing Business Committee and the consequent positive impact and improvement on Nigeria’s position on the Ease of Doing Business Index.
Conference also recommends that the following should be prioritised in transforming the economy:
Poverty alleviation should be approached through wealth creation, industrialisation, provision of finance to small and medium enterprises and social welfare schemes.
The Nigerian budget should be investment-driven with more reliance placed on local production and entrepreneurship while States should commit to supporting credit facilities to improve the provision of funds at the state level.
Introduce monetary policies that will support businesses.
Aggressive investment in industrial development.
Business-friendly regulatory policies.
Widen the job market to accommodate more people by promoting the Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises (MSME’s) in targeted sectors as Trade, Manufacturing, and Agriculture to expand the employment and tax base.
Make access to credit facilities a cornerstone for building businesses, develop human capacity to drive capital accumulation and investment; and effectuate institutions other than banks as providers of capital for starting business as obtainable in other climes.
Conference calls on Federal and State governments to
Pass legislation to strengthen diversity and inclusion in Nigeria; and in this regard, the NBA advocates for speedy passage of the bill on persons with disability, and gender equality presently before the National Assembly,
Establish committees and task forces to promote diversity and inclusion at all levels in Nigeria, and this should include investment in training and research to enhance diversity and inclusion,
Render continuous support for empowerment of women and urges employers to take steps to make the workplace more gender friendly.
Conference frowns at the suppression of women under whatever guise and asserts that female education be given the same priority as given to their male counterparts.
Conference observes that apart from the regular discourse on terrorism and security, government must proactively combat environmental degradation and over-population, because they undermine sustainable development. Conference advised that advocacy, persuasion and in the case of over-population, a system which rewards lower birth rates are veritable tools to achieve this goal.
Conference frowns at the rejection of the PIGB by the Federal Government and calls for an urgent review of that decision. After nearly two decades of the consideration of this bill, Conference views it as a major setback in the efforts to sanitise the Oil and Gas industry.
In this regard, Conference particularly recommends
Clear regulatory policies, enforced by a single holistic regulator, to increase our refining capacity and adopt global best practices as a means of attracting investment to this industry;
Support for indigenous petroleum producers who must be encouraged to meet with local consumption especially in an era where gas required for the power sector is still being flared;
That the local content policy in the petroleum industry should be used for supporting these indigenous petroleum producers to ease their financing needs.
Conference recognises the increasing importance of technology in shaping our society and recommends that Government should amend or pass new laws where necessary to catch up with rapid advancement of new technology;
In this regard, Conference calls for the overhaul of the educational curriculum from the basic to tertiary level to accommodate technological advancement;
Conference also notes the increasing technological disruption of conventional lifestyle and calls for strong data protection laws to protect the rights and privacy of citizens; and
Further declares that cybercrime offenders must be severely dealt with.
Conference acknowledges the importance of a highly professional police force in a democratic dispensation, and consequently calls for adequate funding, equipping, policing capacity development, and improved welfare of the officers and men of the Nigerian Police. Serious consideration should be given to calls for  States Police with safeguards to prevent abuse. This way law and order will be more effective in the country.
Conference calls on government to see the link between insurgencies and security threats on the one hand, and poverty and lack of education on the other hand, and urges that the following steps be taken to attain global best practices in Human Capital Development in Nigeria and for the eradication of insurgency:
Escalation of investment in youth education and health because the future and guarantee of national prosperity; and
Massive education of youth in conflict zones as part of the strategy to fight this scourge,
The NBA frowns at the near absence of governance in these conflict zones and calls for the annual budget for education to be significantly increased in line with the United Nations recommendation. In this regard,
Conference urges the Federal Government to enforce radical changes in public service delivery in healthcare and education, and place emphasis on appropriate planning and housing policies such as the Garden City tradition, tailored to suit the peculiarities of Nigeria’s teeming population. Similarly, property rights through land title reforms need to be clear, transparent and upheld by the courts.
Conference recognises that a FREE AND FAIR democratic process ushered in by smooth transition is the bedrock for sustainable development in every society. Government is therefore enjoined to ensure free and fair electoral processes so the outcome of elections reflect the wishes of the people.
In this regard the NBA pledges to engage with the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to ensure that the electoral process lives up to the expectation of the people.
THE MEDIA AND ELECTORAL INTEGRITY: Conference observed that partnerships between the electoral commission and the media must be encouraged and sustained because of the role of the media in institutionalising electoral integrity.
For sustainable development in Nigeria, the courts are called upon to make positive and proactive judicial pronouncements on the implementation and interpretation of Chapter Two of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended).
Conference reiterates its support for the war against corruption, but this war must be across aboard and not be selective. In this regard, the NBA will work with all law enforcement agencies with the common objective of promoting the Rule of Law, and therefore calls on its members to be vigilant and take necessary steps to prevent the molestation of legal practitioners when carrying out lawful duties
The NBA asserts that investigative institutions like the EFCC must remain impartial so as to engender confidence in their operations. This is particularly urgent as we enter into an election year .
Finally the NBA is committed to a united, indivisible and prosperous Nigeria where no man is oppressed.
Dated at Abuja, Nigeria this 31st Day of August 2018
   A.B. Mahmoud SAN                                 Abiola Olagunju
(President NBA 2016-2018)                        (General Secretary NBA 2016-2018)


Put Your Spirit in Charge
So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer...but the Spirit Himself...pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance.
– Romans 8:26, The Amplified Bible

As long as you live on this earth, you’re going to be saddled with a weakness. What is it? The flesh and blood body you live in. It’s a body that’s subject to death. A body that’s subject to the physical world around you.

Your reborn spirit doesn’t want to sin. It wants to be completely obedient to God. But the weakness of the flesh causes you to fall prey to the temptations around you.

Does that mean you’re doomed to a life of failure till Jesus comes and that flesh body is glorified?

No! It means you need to build your spirit up, to strengthen it, until it dominates your flesh. We are told to crucify the flesh. Your spirit man must dominate your body. Praying in the spirit by the Holy Spirit applies spirit to flesh. It causes your spirit to rise up and take charge. Just like using barbells strengthens your arms, praying in other tongues strengthens your spirit. You see, your spirit is more powerful than your flesh, and as you give it outflow, the flesh will simply have to yield to it. Most believers don’t understand that. They’ll be overwhelmed by some sin, and instead of conquering it by the things of God such as praying in the spirit, they’ll simply keep struggling to overcome in natural ways. So they end up failing again and again.

If you’re caught in that cycle, take heart! God hasn’t commanded you to be more spiritual than you can be. He knows your weakness and He’s given you a way to overcome it. He’s given you the ability to pray in tongues—and with your understanding to wield the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. And no matter how badly you’re failing in everything else, you can do these things!

Be warned though, Satan will try to talk you out of it. He knows that once you learn how to bring the flesh in line, he’ll have no foothold left in your life. You’ll shut the door on him and he won’t be able to get in.

Renew your commitment to praying in the spirit today. Make a quality decision to follow the command God gives in Jude 20 and “build yourselves up…on your most holy faith [make progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], praying in the Holy Spirit” (The Amplified Bible)!

Gloria Copeland

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:14-32
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved.


Then, as soon as they had come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid on it, and bread… Jesus said to them, “Come and eat breakfast.”
John 21:9, 12
- AUGUST 31 -
Like many parents, Wendy and I pray for our daughter Jessica every night before she sleeps. When Jessica was two years old, we decided to pray that her diapers would not overflow during the night. Her diapers not overflowing might be a small thing, but we knew that it would give our little girl a comfortable sleep every night. And after we started praying for this, we noticed that her diapers did not overflow.

That incident made me realize that our God is not just interested in the big things that affect us. He bothers and cares about the minor things that affect us too. There is nothing too insignificant for Him. So don’t be like some religious people who have this idea that God only wants us to bring the big issues to Him, and that He doesn’t want us to bother Him with small issues.

Nothing could be further from the truth. God cares about everything that you experience, from the small ulcer in your mouth to your concerns about the world’s economy. Even when you tell Him about the inconvenience that might arise if the bus is late, He takes note of that too. In fact, when you come to Him often about anything and everything in your daily life, you compliment Him because you are telling Him that He is your Daddy God who watches over you.

Jesus represented the Father’s heart and will when He was on earth (see John 5:19). He cared when His disciples were out at sea the whole night, cold and shivering. He cared when they caught nothing that night (see John 21:3). He cared that they would not have fish to sell. So He gave them a huge catch early the next morning (see John 21:5–6). He knew that they were cold and hungry, so He prepared breakfast for them, served over a fire of coals to keep them warm.

Jesus showed us that God is our loving heavenly Father who cares about the big and small things that happen every day in our lives. Nothing escapes God’s eyes because He loves you!

Thursday 30 August 2018

2019: Fela Durotoye Beats Moghalu, Sowore To Emerge PACT Consensus Candidate

2019: Fela Durotoye beats Kingsley Moghalu, Yele Sowore to emerge PACT consensus candidate

Motivational speaker and businessman, Fela Durotoye, has emerged as the consensus candidate for the Presidential Aspirants Coming Together (PACT), ahead of the 2019 presidential election.
Durotoye emerged as the alternative candidate at the party’s meeting on Thursday, beating the likes of former Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Deputy Governor Kingsley Moghalu and Omoyele Sowore, publisher of Sahara Reporters.
Former Minister of Education, Oby Ezekwesili, confirmed the development on her Twitter feed.
“Today, a group of Presidential Aspirants under the acronym of PACT- Presidential Aspirants Coming Together held a Voting among themselves to decide their Consensus Candidate.
“They invited me to be an observer. I observed their process and reported the outcome of their Votes.
“PACT – Presidential Aspirants Coming Together used a two-staged Voting process and ended with an outcome that had Fela Durotoye score 4 votes and Kingsley Moghalu, 3 Votes.
“I wish them well,” Ezekwesili wrote.
Daily Post

Luka Modric Named UEFA Player of the Year, Other Winners

Luka Modric has been named UEFA Men's Player of the Year ahead of former Real Madrid team-mate Cristiano Ronaldo and Liverpool forward Mohamed Salah.
The midfielder picks up the award after guiding Real Madrid to a third straight Champions League title and inspiring Croatia to the World Cup final - where they lost to France.
Modric received 313 points in the voting to finish ahead of three-time winner Ronaldo (223pts), who has gone on to join Juventus after scoring 44 goals in 44 games for Real last season.
Former Manchester United, Real Madrid and England midfielder Beckham received the 2018 UEFA President's Award, which according to UEFA "recognises outstanding achievements, professional excellence and exemplary personal qualities".
Among others to receive the award are Johan Cruyff, Franz Beckenbauer, Eusebio and Sir Bobby Charlton.

The Europa League Player of the Season will be awarded on Friday, with Diego Godin, Antoine Griezmann, Dimitri Payet the three names on the shortlist.
UEFA awards (winners in bold - others shortlisted)
Men's Player of the Year: Luka Modric, Cristiano Ronaldo, Mohamed Salah
Women's Player of the Year: Pernille Harder, Ada Hegerberg, Amandine Henry
Goalkeeper of the Season: Keylor Navas, Alisson Becker, Gianluigi Buffon
Defender of the Season: Sergio Ramos, Marcelo, Raphael Varane
Midfielder of the Season: Luka Modric, Kevin De Bruyne, Toni Kroos
Forward of the Season: Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Mohamed Salah

Champions League Draw

Group stage draw in full:

Group A: Atletico Madrid, Borussia Dortmund, Monaco, Club Brugge.

Group B: Barcelona, Tottenham, PSV Eindhoven, Inter Milan.

Group C: Paris St-Germain, Napoli, Liverpool, Red Star Belgrade.

Group D: Lokomotiv Moscow, Porto, Schalke, Galatasaray.

Group E: Bayern Munich, Benfica, Ajax, AEK Athens.

Group F: Manchester City, Shakhtar Donetsk, Lyon, Hoffenheim.

Group G: Real Madrid, Roma, CSKA Moscow, Viktoria Plzen.

Group H: Juventus, Manchester United, Valencia, Young Boys.

When are the group stage match days?

Match day one: 18-19 September

Match day two: 2-3 October

Match day three: 23-24 October

Match day four: 6-7 November

Match day five: 27-28 November

Match day six: 11-12 December

Pure Spiritual Power - Copeland

Pure Spiritual Power
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
– Galatians 5:22-23

So many believers think of the fruit of the spirit as little more than a passive list of pleasant qualities that can help improve their personalities. But it’s far greater than that! It’s pure spiritual power.

Love is so powerful, the scripture says, that it never fails. Patience is so powerful it cannot be stopped. No matter what the circumstances, it will not quit. Temperance is so powerful it can master all the unruly desires of your flesh.

The fruit of the spirit is not weak; it’s strong. So strong all the demons of hell can’t stop it. So strong that if you’ll let it flow out of you, it will correct the problems in your life. It will keep you steadfast when all the people around you are falling down. It’ll keep you on your feet when governments fail and when the storms of life come.

We are living in dangerous days. There’s only one way you can make it through in victory. You must begin to release the powerful fruit of the spirit God has placed inside you. Believe me, if you’re born again, it is there. Learn to yield to it and as 2 Peter 1:10 promised, you shall never fall!

Gloria Copeland

Scripture Reading: 2 Peter 1:1-10
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved.

Pure Spiritual Power

Pure Spiritual Power
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
– Galatians 5:22-23

So many believers think of the fruit of the spirit as little more than a passive list of pleasant qualities that can help improve their personalities. But it’s far greater than that! It’s pure spiritual power.

Love is so powerful, the scripture says, that it never fails. Patience is so powerful it cannot be stopped. No matter what the circumstances, it will not quit. Temperance is so powerful it can master all the unruly desires of your flesh.

The fruit of the spirit is not weak; it’s strong. So strong all the demons of hell can’t stop it. So strong that if you’ll let it flow out of you, it will correct the problems in your life. It will keep you steadfast when all the people around you are falling down. It’ll keep you on your feet when governments fail and when the storms of life come.

We are living in dangerous days. There’s only one way you can make it through in victory. You must begin to release the powerful fruit of the spirit God has placed inside you. Believe me, if you’re born again, it is there. Learn to yield to it and as 2 Peter 1:10 promised, you shall never fall!

Gloria Copeland

Scripture Reading: 2 Peter 1:1-10
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved.

Release The Anointing Into Your Situation - Pastor Prince

Daily Grace Inspiration

‘When anyone offers a grain offering to the Lord, his offering shall be of fine flour. And he shall pour oil on it, and put frankincense on it.
Leviticus 2:1
- AUGUST 30 -
The grain offering in the Old Testament speaks of Jesus’ sacrifice, and oil in the Bible speaks of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. So the grain offering of fine flour, which had oil poured on it, speaks of Jesus’ humanity being anointed by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is fully God. But when He came to earth, He literally emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant (see Philippians 2:7). That is why He needed to be anointed of the Holy Spirit before He could begin His ministry (see John 1:33). Though fully God, He did things by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus was anointed to bring the blessings of God into the lives of people. He first spoke of His anointing when He was preaching in His hometown—“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor…” (Luke 4:18).

Today, Jesus’ anointing has come upon you (see 1 John 2:20). The Bible says that “the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you” (1 John 2:27). But how is this anointing in you released?

My friend, it is when you call upon Jesus’ name. In Song of Solomon 1:3, the virgins, representing the church, love His name, which is like ointment poured forth when spoken. When they called upon His Name, His fragrance was released and the anointing was poured forth.

So when you call upon the name of Jesus, you are releasing His anointing. Call upon His name when you are feeling down and His anointing will lift your spirit up. If you are feeling dry and empty, just say, “Jesus, Jesus.” Before you know it, a river of refreshing will gush forth as His anointing flows. Call upon His name when you need a breakthrough and His anointing will release it to you.

Romans 10:13 says that “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” So call on Jesus’ name and watch His anointing release your deliverance, healing, protection and provision, and make you whole!

APC Chairman, Oshiomole Names Lawan, Acting Senate President at NEC Meeting

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara and his Deputy, Yusuf Lasun, were absent at the 6th National Executive Council, NEC, meeting of the All Progressives Congress, APC, currently going on at the party’s secretariat in Abuja.

National Chairman of the ruling party, Adams Oshiomhole, informed the NEC members that Dogara and Lasun sent in letters apologising for their inability to make it to the meeting.

Before the meeting went into a closed-door session, Oshiomhole stated that Senator Ahmed Lawan, who is the Senate Majority Leader, will act as the Senate President. Senate President Bukola Saraki had weeks ago defected from the APC to the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.

He stated this while observing protocols, saying, “Senate President, well in the absence of the Senate President, the Senate Leader, Senator Ahmed Lawal can stand in.”

The former Labour leader also gave account of his stewardship in the last two months in office.

He said under his leadership, the party recorded victories at the Ekiti gubernatorial election, including the bye-elections that took place in Bauchi and Katsina.

Oshiomhole however appealed to President Muhammadu Buhari to show more commitment in addressing genuine grievances that may have spurred some members of the party to defect.

Kwara APC Exco Resign of Their Appointments

In Kwara State, Ten members of the Ishola Balogun Fulani led executives of the All Progressive Congress APC, have resigned their appointments.

 Zonal chairman of APC  in Kwara Central, Alhaji Jimoh Adesina, made the development to newsmen in Iorin,

Those that resigned their appointments are Women leader, Ramat Oganija, and the Publicity Secretary of the party, Alhaji Buhari Sulyman.

Other APC officers that have resigned their appointments include Mohammed Halliru ( Asst. Welfare Secretary), Isiaka oniwa ( North senatorial chairman ) Jimoh Adesina ( Central Senatorial Chairman ), Katum mohammed ( Organising Secretary ), Ramat Ibrahim ( Financial Secretary ), Jinatu ibrahim (North Women Leader ), Atiku Abdurahman (North Senatorial Chairman ) and  Sunkanmi Ereoye (South Senatorial Youth Leader ).

In his resignation letter, former publicity secretary of APC in the state, Sulyman Buhari, said his resignation was occasioned by an alleged “indirect fuelling of crises in Kwara APC chapter by the national leadership of the party “.

He added that there was also lack of reward system in the party “we toiled to build from the scratch.”

All efforts to get the chairman of the party in the state, Hon. Ishola Balogun-Fulani for his comment on the development proved futile as the time of filing this report.

Though, the national leadership of APC had dissolved the Balogun-Fulani led executive of the party in the state, an Ilorin High Court had, however, nullified that decision and restrained the chairman of the caretaker committee put in place by the NWC, Hon. Bashir Bolarinwa, from parading himself as the party’s chairman.

Rule of Law Outlasts All Tyrants - Soyinka Warns Buhari

Buhari’s comment on rule of law, ‘an advance warning’ — Soyinka

Nobel laureate, Wole Soyinka, has criticised President Muhammadu Buhari over his comments at the opening ceremony of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) conference last Sunday.
In a statement Thursday, Mr Soyinka mocked the president by saying Mr Buhari had obviously given a deep thought to his travails under a military dictatorship and concluded that his incarceration at that time was also in the ‘national interest.’
Mr Buhari was imprisoned for years by the Ibrahim Babangida regime after his military dictatorship was overthrown in 1985.
Since returning to power in 2015, Mr Buhari’s government has held some Nigerians for years without trial. High profile detainees have been denied freedom despite court orders.
“Here we go again,” Mr Soyinka said in the statement he titled ‘Buhari’s Pernicious Doctrine.’
“At his first coming, it was ‘I intend to tamper with Freedom of the Press,’ and Buhari did proceed to suit action to the words, sending two journalists – Irabor and Thompson – to prison as a reward for their professional integrity.
“Now, a vague, vaporous, but commodious concept dubbed “national interest” is being trotted out as alibi for flouting the decisions of the Nigerian judiciary. President Buhari has obviously given deep thought to his travails under a military dictatorship, and concluded that his incarceration was also in the ‘national interest.'”
Mr Buhari sparked outrage with his statement while addressing a gathering of lawyers when he said: “the rule of law must be subject to the supremacy of the nation’s security and national interest.”
The president’s comments drew criticisms from the lawyers and Nigerians who condemned his statement in strong terms.
In his statement on Thursday, Mr Soyinka described the timing of the president’s speech as “perfect.”
“We have cause to be thankful for the advance warning, since not all rulers actually make a declaration of intent, but simply proceed to degrade the authority of the law as part of the routine business of governance,” said Mr Soyinka.
“We have been there before. It should be of mere interest, not despondency, that this latest proclamation of dictatorial recidivism has also been made before an assembly of officers of the law, the Nigerian Bar Association. We expect a robust response from the NBA as part of its conclusions.”
Mr Soyinka noted that there is no shortcut to democracy and that the history of law, even where uncodified, is as old as humanity.
“Numerous rulers have tried again and again to annul that institution,” he said.
“Sometimes, they appear to succeed, but in the end, they pay heavy forfeit. So does society.
“The rule of law, however, outlasts all subverters, however seemingly powerful. If the consequences for society in defence of the rule of law were not so costly, any new attempt would be merely banal and boring, hardly deserving of attention. We know, historically, where it will all end.
Premium Times

My Blueprint for Nigeria if I am Elected President - Saraki (Full Text)



1.​Let me say, once again, how wonderful it is to see so many talented and purposeful young people at this first edition of the Public Dialogue Series with Political Parties on Youth Candidacy and Party Primaries. Looking at you, I see future leaders who present themselves as capable and worthy to take on the mantle of leadership in this country, and this gladdens my heart.

2.​From my interactions with many of you, and with your contemporaries across the country, I can see that we are blessed with a determined generation that stands ready to join with us to power a Nigerian renaissance. The quality of people I see here today affirms my belief that, indeed, you are Not Too Young To Run.

3.​I deeply appreciate this opportunity to share some of my ideas about where we are as a nation, as well as the challenges before us as we approach the great decider that is the 2019 General Elections.

4.​It is widely acknowledged that ours is a relatively ‘young’ country bursting with tremendous energy, ability and potential. More than 70 per cent of our population is under the age of 40.  You are indeed the future of this country. Ordinarily, such a young population would be the envy of many Western countries that are faced with ageing populations, but the dire state of our affairs tarnishes the youthful advantage that we have.

5.​Up and down our country today, Nigerians are crying out for succour. Many of our children are hungry. Many people are dying of avoidable or otherwise treatable diseases. Many have fallen below basic living standards, and are now among the 87 million that sealed Nigeria’s position as the country with the highest number of people in extreme poverty. Our young people lack opportunities. The necessary education facilities and system to equip them for the future simply do not exist. We are not creating the jobs needed to usefully engage them in order to grow our economy. And too often, the youth feel shut out, prevented from having any say in the direction of this nation.

6.​The harsh conditions of extreme poverty faced by the people, fuels the state of insecurity all over the country. Hunger, lack of education and lack of opportunities push many Nigerians into criminal activities including terrorism. Many of our communities are paralysed with fear - due to incessant communal crises, kidnappings and other social ills, as well as the threat of terrorism. We are failing abysmally to tackle the problems of today and to prepare for the future.

7.​Our economy is broken and is in need of urgent revival in order for Nigeria to grow. GDP growth rate has declined. Diversification remains an illusion. Unemployment is at an all-time high. Businesses are shutting down. Jobs are being lost in record numbers, and the capital needed to jumpstart our economy is going elsewhere.

8.​Nigeria is perhaps more divided now than ever before. We are increasingly divided along regional, religious and ethnic lines. Nigerians are also divided by class, a festering gulf between the ‘Haves’ and the ‘Have-Nots’. The fault lines of this nation are widening to an alarming degree. We must do something fast, and we must be brave about it.

9.​We must ensure the security of lives in Nigeria. As things stand now, no one is safe in this country. No one feels truly safe. We must restore the sanctity of the rule of law and strengthen democratic institutions in order to build a just, fair and equitable society for all. We must rebuild the trust of our people in government. We need a new generation of leaders that are competent, with the capability to rise to the challenges of the 21st century. We must pull this country back together and rebuild, block by block, with dedication and commitment.

10.​You will agree with me that this is an urgent task that requires the concerted efforts of each and every one of us. If we look around today, what do we see? What is the condition of our citizens? Where are we as a nation? How are we perceived locally and internationally? Why are we not making the expected progress? Why are we not growing? There is no time to waste. The time is now, to come together to stimulate growth in Nigeria, especially in the national economy.

11. The choice we face in the forthcoming election is either to keep things as they are, or make a radical departure from the old ways. To find a better way of doing things or keep repeating the mistakes of the past. To fix the problems or keep compounding them.

12.It is with all these in mind, and taking account of the challenges that I have outlined, that I have decided to answer the call of teeming youth who have asked me to run for President. Accordingly, I hereby announce my intention to run for the office of President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the coming General Elections in 2019 on the platform of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). I do so with the firm conviction that I have what it takes to secure inclusive growth for Nigeria and Nigerians.

13.My Plan for Nigeria has inclusion in all aspects of the country’s affairs as a central pillar. Every citizen has the inalienable right to feel a sense of belonging, no matter their background or creed, or what part of the country they come from. No matter who you voted for or what your convictions are, government must work for you.

14.Your generation does not deserve to live in the poverty capital of the world. It is no longer an issue of how we got here, but how do we get out of this situation? I promise you that I will lead the fight and employ every God-given resource available to us in turning things around. I am determined to grow Nigeria out of poverty. We will stimulate the growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as one of the ways of energising the economy and to create wealth for our people, especially the youth.

15. I want to see the youth play major roles at all levels, not only in government but also in the private sector and indeed in every area of Nigerian life. This will be a government driven by youthful energy, innovation and a pioneering entrepreneurial spirit. Nigerian youth will be given all the opportunities to realise their potential to the full within a national framework that guarantees inclusiveness.  For youth who have ideas and capacity, we will make sure that there is funding for their ventures; and we shall build on the Made in Nigeria legislation as part of our job creation drive.

16.My plan is to secure Nigeria by redesigning our national security architecture, while adequately equipping our security agencies to fulfil their primary role of protecting lives and property.

17. I will address our infrastructural deficit through aggressive financing initiatives including mutually beneficial PPP arrangements, regular floating of bonds and other financial instruments, which will ensure stable, adequate and reliable funding to see to the completion of core projects especially road, rail and power.

18.My plan is to protect all Nigerians and defend their constitutional rights and freedoms. I will stand for and uphold at all times the principle of the rule of law, which is the bedrock of democratic governance.

19. Ours will not be a selective fight against corruption. The emphasis will be on strengthening institutions, with a particular focus on deterrence. We cannot afford to compromise our institutions with proxy wars against perceived political opponents. We see the fight against corruption as crucial to Nigeria’s economic development.

20.I offer leadership driven by empathy. Where leaders are responsive to the citizens. Where they know that government cares. We will not be indifferent or turn a blind eye to the real concerns of our people. Every single Nigerian life matters.

21. For me, the leadership we deserve is one that will be a source of pride to all Nigerians, one that will be respected and admired in Africa and around the world. It should be a leadership that can hold its own and stand tall anywhere in the world. That is the type of leadership I offer.

22.As a former two-term Governor and currently President of the Senate by the grace of God, I believe I possess a unique blend of executive and legislative experience to push for and implement reforms that will deliver real improvements in the daily lives of our people. I know what it takes to create jobs and grow the economy. I can make the tough decisions when it matters. I will spearhead a new agenda that can transform the lives of ordinary Nigerians in real terms.

23. Believe me when I say that it will not be business as usual. This will be a dynamic government of action that will pursue the growth of Nigeria with doggedness, determination and conviction. I will lead a result-driven administration. We shall set targets with clear timelines to ensure that anticipated deliverables are met. You can benchmark us and hold us accountable. In short, I assure you that I will deliver on all promises. What I envision is a new chapter in governance in this country. We will be driven by what is best for Nigerians.

25.I have deliberately chosen the opportunity of being here with you, my Number One constituency who I see as the future of our great country, to make my intention known. I believe the Nigerian youth are critical to rebuilding and growing the economy, and restoring our national pride.

26. I therefore ask you and all well-meaning Nigerians to join hands with me in this noble cause.

My brothers, My sisters, Let’s Grow Nigeria Together.

God bless you all.
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, CON.

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Atiku Counsels Buhari On Petroleum Industry Governance Biill



It is rather unfortunate that President Muhammadu Buhari has rejected the Petroleum Industry Governance Bill (PIGB) that the National Assembly in conjunction with the oil majors and host communities put in so much work to come up with. I am of the opinion that this is a monumental mistake.

The reason given by the President for rejecting the bill also betrays the fact that the current administration is out of tandem with global best practices. Saying that the Bill will “whittle down” the President’s powers is most unfortunate.

A leader must be secure in himself before he can secure his or her people. A President is not powerful because he holds the Presidency. Neither is he only powerful because laws confer powers on him. In truth, a secure leader brings power and influence to the office he occupies instead of taking power from that office. He also gives laws the force of power by obeying and implementing them.

The Petroleum Industry Governance Bill (PIGB) will be a great catalyst for Nigeria’s oil and gas sector and has the capacity of stabilising our host communities, boosting our reserves and creating the enabling environment that attracts the type of investment that will make Nigeria a world leader in the petroleum industry.

In recent months, Nigeria became the world headquarters for extreme poverty, having overtaken India as the nation with the most people living under $2 a day (81 million people). If we are to change the situation and bring our people out of poverty, we must support legislation such as the Petroleum Industry Governance Bill.

As the late great President Ronald Reagan once said, the greatest leader “gets the people to do the greatest things”. The Petroleum Industry Governance Bill will help Nigeria to do great things and I urge President Buhari to put aside his insecurities over the loss of his power and let the Petroleum Industry Governance Bill be.

Atiku Abubakar
Vice President of Nigeria, 1999-2007.

Communique of the Northern CAN after its Jos Summit


Against the backdrop of the growing spate of insecurity in some states across the Northern Region of Nigeria, a Two-day Peace Summit was organized by the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Northern Region on 27th-28th August, 2018 at Crest Hotel, along Old Airport Road Jos, Plateau State.
The three-fold objectives of the Summit include: Provide a platform to undertake a thorough assessment of the factors and scope conditions that sustains the wave of insecurity in the region and the role Church leaders can play in confronting this problem; Deliberate on and harmonize the viable and appropriate best practices for conflict prevention and mitigation in the 19 states of Northern Nigeria and the FCT Abuja; and Identify common ways and means to address and prevent these factors which have in the last few months amplified the growing wave of insecurity in Northern Nigeria for the most part in the States of, Taraba, Adamawa, Benue, Zamfara, Kaduna, Plateau and Nasarawa.
The theme of the Summit is “Sustainable Peace and Security in Northern Nigeria as Panacea for Development: The Role of Religious Leaders”. This is part of the broader effort of the Church in the Northern Region to facilitate an open and frank discussion among Church Leaders with a view to fostering a peaceful and stable region for development to thrive.
The two-day event was partly ceremonial and highly interactive. The technical session is divided into plenary (paper presentations), panel discussion and Interactive sessions (questions and answers). It was also expected to suggest proactive and realistic measures that would help to reduce or mitigate the spate of violent conflict and promote peace, and peaceful coexistence, and development in the Northern Nigeria.
The Peace Summit was attended by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF); Executive Governor of Plateau State (Rt. Hon. Simon Lalong); Honourable Ministers of Agriculture and Rural Development, Youth and Sports, and Labour and Employment; top government officials, Church Leaders, Women and Youth leaders that are drawn from the 19 States of the Northern Nigeria and the FCT (Abuja), as well as other brethren from the South-West.
After intensive deliberations, the Summit observes as follows:
1. That the spate of ethno-religious attacks currently plaguing Northern Nigeria is a major source of concern to the Church and that the convening of the Peace Summit is timely and the theme is befitting in view of the devastating consequences of intractable violent attacks on communities across the region. Furthermore, participants observed the need to chat a way forward.
2. Participants condemned the recurrent wave of systematic violent attacks on helpless communities and other forms of insecurity in some communities in Northern Nigeria, which are regrettable and totally unacceptable. They also commiserate with the victims of the persistent violent attacks.
3. It was further observed that the impacts of protracted insecurities are stark and hugely devastating with several loss of innocent lives, physical injuries to bodies, destruction of properties worth billions of naira, destruction and displacement of many communities, burning and desecration of several Churches in unprovoked circumstances, psychological trauma, stalling of socioeconomic growth and development, as well as the entrenchment of deep seated mutual distrust and suspicion along ethno-religious lines.
4. That the incidences of violent conflicts and insecurities in the region have taken an ethno-religious dimension requiring the Church in Northern Nigeria to have a proactive and prophetic  vision for peace that take cognizance the multi-religious and multicultural realities of the country.
5. That the unique manifestation of the challenges of peace and security in Northern Nigeria is a broader national issue that has both terrestrial and spiritual dimensions which make it very complex to understand at the superficial level. As such there is the need for Christian leaders and the Church to have an in-depth understanding of the magnitude of the problem to be able to come up with realistic options to transforming the problems.
6. That the strategic role of the Church is fundamental in changing the negative course of our nation and placing her on the path of sustainable growth and development. The need for the Church to be proactive in addressing sensitive and critical issues that affects us directly or indirectly.
7. It was further identified by participants that some politicians and religious leaders have exacerbated and heightened the trends of violent attacks, violent conflict, mutual distrust, and resentment across the Northern Region. This is particular in the expression of hate and inflammatory speeches in the social media, other media and platforms.
8. That the institutionalization of religious supremacy is condemnable especially where government institutions are used to promote religious intolerance, injustices and marginalization.
9. That there is a seeming absence of an integrated policy response framework at national and sub-regional levels to tackle the peace and security challenges associated with the farmer-herder relations. Furthermore, that the Church and its leaders have not properly articulated the issues around Farmer-Herder violence through strategic thinking and conflict analysis.
10. Participants identified some of the structural challenges of poverty, unemployment, injustices, corruption, and marginalization as some of the push factors for the spate of violence in communities in Northern Nigeria. There seems to inadequate commitment towards job creation by the government and the Church.
11. The critical role of women in conflict management and peacebuilding especially as custodians of children and family has not been properly recognized and highlighted by the Church and the communities in Northern Nigeria.
12. That citizens, Christian leaders, and nongovernmental organisations have completely abdicated the responsibility of providing social welfare and security to government without complementing government efforts, where necessary.
The following resolutions were unanimously reached:
1. Community Security and Safety: The summit resolved that kinetic approach towards curbing insecurity in region should be sustained and complemented by community and church vigilance and commitment. Participants further called for fairness, transparency and justice by security and law enforcement agencies in the discharge of their responsibilities.
2. Research and Documentation: Participants recommended that the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) should place premium in research and documentation in order to take knowledge-driven actions and measures to the protracted challenges of peace and security in Northern Nigeria.
3. Cattle Grazing and Ranching: In view of the violent character of farmer-herder relations in recent time and the disadvantages of open-grazing of cattle, participants recommended that the ranching policy should be encouraged. There is need for proper Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment (PCIA) and Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) before the implementation of the proposed Ranching framework. Indeed, government and critical stakeholder should engage communities through strategic advocacy and sensitization. There is also need for periodic review of the implementation of the policy.
4. Good Governance, Human Rights and Respect Rule of Law: In view of the clamor against hate speeches, marginalization, injustices, poverty and unemployment, there is need for the promotion of good governance at all levels, respect for human rights and rule of law.
5. Poverty Alleviation and Job Creation: There is a need for the government, church and indeed other critical stakeholders to vigorously tackle the challenge of unemployment and poverty through poverty alleviation initiatives through industrialization, skill acquisition schemes, loan schemes etc.
6. Trauma and Psychosocial Healing: There is a need for concerted commitment by government and the church towards the provision of trauma and psychosocial healing initiatives in communities affected by violent attacks. This is critical in curtailing the vicious cycle of violence within communities in Northern Nigeria.
7. Proper Conflict Analysis: The need for conflict analysis by the church and church leaders towards effective understanding of the complex trends and dynamics of violence in our communities was highlighted. Participants recommended for the institutionalization of the mechanism for sustainable peace, security and development.
8. Role of the Church in Building Trust and Confidence: There is need for the Church to unite in forging a common agenda that would promote sustainable peace, security and development. Christian religious leaders should begin the process of advocacy for conflict transformation and peacebuilding in Northern Nigeria and beyond. The pulpit should be used for preaching love, tolerance, solidarity and forgiveness to foster sustainable peace and reconciliation in Northern Nigeria.
9. The Role of Women in Conflict Management and Peacebuilding: Participants further resolved that youth and women as vulnerable persons during violent conflicts ought to be actively involve the processes of conflict management and peacebuilding. There is need for government and the Church to empower them by exploring other frontiers of social and economic activities that guarantee meaningful and legitimate means of livelihood to enhance peace and security in Northern Nigeria. The Summit further encourage the youth to concrete steps towards individual development and empowerment.
10. Promotion of Interfaith and Intra-Faith Collaboration and Dialogue: The summit identified interfaith dialogue and collaboration as a critical tool for conflict prevention and fostering mutual understanding, trust, confidence and mutual respect. It also encouraged participants to embrace interdenominational cooperation and collaboration among churches for unity in mitigating the risk for intra-religious conflicts. The summit agreed that respect for religious diversities is key in interfaith dialogue and peacebuilding.
11. Humanitarian Assistance and Resettlement: In view of the protracted violent attacks on communities in the region, participants recommended that government, the church and development partners should drive the processes of resettlement through reconstruction, reintegration, rehabilitation, demobilization and disarmament of the affected communities.
12. Sustainable Engagement: There is the need to sustain this process especially through the convening of a Socioeconomic Summit to further explore viable options for the empowerment of the most vulnerable groups within the church especially women and the youth.
13. Strengthening of Legal and Institutional Framework for Peace and Conflict Management: Participants urged government to strengthen existing legal and institutional framework for sustainable peace, security and development especially in Northern Nigeria. This include the need for the consideration on the decentralization of the Nigeria Police Force or the creation of an independent state police framework as a viable mechanism in tackling the complex challenge of peace and security in the region.
14. Constitution of Committee: There is need for the inauguration of standing committees such as a committee of think-tanks to draw up a comprehensive agenda; peace committee; reconstruction committee.
15. Christian Political Leaders: The Summit called on Christian political leaders to be faithful ambassadors of Jesus Christ in all areas of their public services by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord.
16. Combating the Menace of Illicit Proliferation of small arms and light weapons and the rise of Violent Militia groups: In view of the proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons and the emergence of violent militia groups, participants called on government to strengthen border and forest security and management across the Country.
17. Conflict Early Warning and Early Response: Participants recommended that government and the church should put in place mechanism for effective conflict early warning and early response system across the region.
The participants at the Peace Summit commended the effort of the Executive Governor of Plateau State Rt. Hon Simon Bako Lalong towards creating a conducive environment to host the event as well as driving government effort towards peace and stability in Plateau State. It further commended the Secretary to the Government of the Federation Boss Mustapha for conceiving the idea that eventually birthed the summit as well as other Christian political leaders who have remain steadfast. The Participants also lauded the CAN Northern Region for organizing the summit.

My Agenda For Nigeria - Kwankwaso's Full Text of Presidential Declaration Speech

The Presidential Declaration of Sen Rabiu Kwankwaso in Abuja today
His full speech below…
“Let me begin by thanking all of you for travelling from far and wide to witness this important occasion heralding my decision to run for the office of the President, Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Your resolve to come, I am convinced, was informed by our collective disillusionment, disappointment and the pervasive air of hopelessness in our country today. Your desire to see things change for better is well-informed and inner conviction that together we can midwife positive change is applauded.
Today I declare that I am going to vie for the office of President Federal Republic of Nigeria under the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party. I stand on my honour to offer a paradigm shift in leadership. There is no gainsaying that all is not well with the polity. It is also clear that the same mindset that created and escalated the problems cannot be used in resolving the on-going crises in our nationhood and national development.
I intend to offer positive change. Change has again become inevitable. To live is to witness changes because change is an inseparable part of living. Come May 2019, the narrative of helplessness, buck-passing, division, poverty, insecurity, and hopelessness must change to turn to a new dawn of confidence in building a one well restructured Nigeria.
I assure you that while I do not have the prophetic power to predict the future, we certainly have in us the ability to create the future that we want.
On this day, as I stand before you I offer you a value-based leadership anchored on our National Ethics as outlined in Chapter 2 of Section 23 of our Constitution:
And I quote; “The National Ethics shall be Discipline, Integrity, Dignity of Labour, Social Justice, Religious Tolerance, Self-reliance and Patriotism.”
We will provide a leadership where everybody is free and equal; where Nigerians see themselves as Nigerians first and as Ibo, Yoruba, Hausa, Ijaw, Ibibio, Fulani, etc second; where citizens are self-assured and self-assertive; where they are confident and competent; where they want to do what is right no matter whose ox is gored. I want to lead a Nigeria where people are educated and exposed beyond the confines of their tribe, religion, linguistic group or place of birth.
I want to lead a Nigeria where Citizens respect their leaders, and leaders lead and forge a team to promote and protect the interest of all Nigerians. I want to lead a Nigeria where all are comfortable anywhere and on any positive issue can compete fairly with their peers without favour or discrimination. That is the kind of Nigeria we envision. We will abandon the failed relics of the past. We have all it takes to make Nigeria good and relevant for all.
What are some of these changes that we are promising?
1. National Security: The primary responsibility of the Government is security of life. My understanding of National security transcends the stereotype limiting it to the Armed Forces and other security agencies. As former Minister of Defence, I understand security from that point; it covers more and includes the entire scope of food, health care delivery, education, economic prosperity, and enjoyment of human rights on the physical defence and security side. There is the need for a well-trained, motivated, well-equipped and intelligence-propelled security architecture.
That requires decisive options of strengthening and equipping the military while restructuring the Police to make it more effective. We will vigorously pursue other institutional reforms in the other security and paramilitary agencies and justice system that will serve as a huge disincentive for crimes and criminality. This will include training and retraining of personnel, improvement of personnel welfare as well as the provision of other security infrastructure considered necessary and relevant to combating crime and other deviant behaviors.
The constant misuse of security apparatus will stop immediately. Ours is a recommitment to strengthening all democratic institutions in Nigeria. We shall also strive to create an all-inclusive mechanism for effective intelligence gathering that involves all stakeholders especially – Traditional rulers, Religious Leaders, businessmen and women, civil servants, Community leaders, the communities themselves, youth, trade organizations, politicians and all well-meaning Nigerians.
We must as a policy strive to support and protect the identities of those patriotic Nigerians that volunteer credible information to make Nigeria and Nigerians safe.
Above all we shall put mechanisms in place for the continuous monitoring of the operations of these security institutions to ensure efficiency and conformity with the rule of law. I also understand the difficult conditions under which our military and other paramilitary organisations operate. An ill-equipped, unmotivated, deprived and over- tasked soldier cannot perform maximally.
We shall motivate all affected communities, the military and the police to put an end to all killings. There is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for killings by Boko Haram insurgents, herdsmen, crop farmers, kidnappers, human traffickers and abductors. We will provide an atmosphere where there will be security, safety, serenity and sanity.
2. The Economy: Nigeria in recent years has witnessed a weak economic performance due to tight economic policies and failed institutional supervision especially as it relates to growing small enterprises that should, in the long run, result in larger ventures to anchor our economic prosperity. Tight monetary rates, exchange rates fluctuations, inflation and unemployment are the dominant factors hindering the growth and survival of our businesses in the country today. Therefore, our focus shall be on sound economic policies that will ensure a new regime of exchange rate stability, low-interest rates and reduction in the country’s rising burden of domestic and foreign loans.
In the past three years, poverty and unemployment have become more visible, challenging Nigeria’s economic prosperity. Existing policies and economic programmes for alleviating the poverty incidence in the country have obviously failed. Our non-negotiable goal will, therefore, be the eradication of poverty through sustainable wealth creation and a coordinated and effective micro small and medium enterprises development. We shall promote policies that boost our foreign reserves and lower interest rate to ensure that the unsustainable debt treadmill profile is tamed. Locally, we shall diversify the economy through industrialisation and manufacturing, aggressive promotion of agribusiness, the mining sector and entrepreneurship to make us self-sufficient and export-oriented. The oil and gas sector must cease to be a verifiable source of corruption and inefficiency.
3. Social Challenges: Our response to the various social challenges shall be hinged on our economic model of poverty eradication. We must consciously seek to tame the widening of inequality. We will strive to end ethnic and religious bigotry, corruption, poor economic management, nepotism, gross dereliction of duty, condonation of misdeed. As we all know a serious lack of progress and hope for the future, lack of national cohesion and poor management of internal political dynamics and widening inequality – are very much with us today.
We need to believe in ourselves; we need to be critically analytical when and where necessary; we need to have indomitable courage and unwavering commitment to Nigeria and all that is Nigerian; we need to stand firm for what is noble, edifying and wholesome; we need to fight those ills that have shackled us and held us back in the past; we need to establish shared values and enthrone norms, virtues and morality that are enduring, uplifting and distinguishing.
We owe the successor generation a country that is united, stable, secure, coh esive and prosperous, playing its role among the comity of nations easily. That is our goal. We must not only do things right, we must do right things and always do them right. There should be no excuse for poor performance, shoddy job and incompetence on any grounds. We must avoid failure at all cost and engender the right ambience that will allow the creative potentials of Nigerians to be expressed uninhibited. We will have truly inclusive growth and development for shared prosperity.
4. Infrastructure: With a rapidly growing population, Nigeria’s infrastructure is challenged. If not tackled it would deny citizens the joy of national prosperity. Energy need keeps shooting up the stress of doing business in Nigeria. Domestic production suffers and a lot of foreign companies also find it hard to invest in Nigeria due to constant power failures. For decades, Nigeria failed to develop its infrastructure. To bridge the gap in infrastructure, we will prioritise capital expenditure and ensure that adequate funds are not only allocated to capital expenditure but also disbursed in a timely manner and utilised as budgeted for road and rail networks, waterways, housing, aviation communication and others.
5. Human Capital Development & Global Competitiveness, Education, Research and Innovation: The greatest asset of any nation is its human capital. In the people lies the solution to most of our challenges. My job as the leader is to facilitate the release of the creative energy embedded in our growing youth population brimming with ingenuity and famed resilience. Ours will be a deliberate policy to make our workforce globally competitive. Human Capital development in all its ramifications shall be a cardinal point of our administration. We shall provide ICT- compliant high-quality personal development education.
And research for development will be made accessible to all. We are committed to providing good quality universal education from pre-primary to tertiary and vocational skills development. We shall provide accessible, quality education to all Nigerians. Education in Nigeria will be rejuvenated and restructured to make future generations not only problem-solvers but proud custodians of their culture, heritage and history and also for creating confidence in all Nigerians across all the States, sectors and talents.
We believe that education is the cornerstone of any development and nation-building and a very strong weapon to fight inequality, injustice and poverty. It is also an instrument or tool for building national unity and cohesion. As a policy, we will drive a plan to provide the necessary infrastructure, rejuvenate existing ones and modernize them to be in line with the best international practice. We shall equally review the fees being charged for WAEC, NECO and JAMB examinations and make education affordable. Every child in Nigeria must be supported to attain his or her maximum potential in education. In addition, we shall commence a review of our method as it relates to agricultural technology in particular.
6. Agribusiness: Agri-business holds one of the major keys to eradicating poverty from our midst. The key of our agricultural development must be an aggressive pursuit of agri-business. We intend to collaborate with our numerous Agricultural Research Institutes and Universities by challenging them to pursue resolute research and development in agribusiness, agricultural technology etc. Working with expert advice, we intend to qualitatively improve the agricultural value chain, to create employment opportunities.
7. Healthcare Delivery: Now that medical tourism has become the first choice of our leaders, we will ensure that the current situation in clinics and hospitals is given radical reforms. We shall prioritise and institutionalise national healthcare programmes and delivery, medical education and training and financing of healthcare in a manner that is universally accessible and affordable. Our main goal in healthcare would be to provide affordable ‘Healthcare services for all Nigerians’.
8. International Relations: While Africa must remain the centrepiece of our foreign policy, we shall endeavour to keep our old friends while seeking deeper and better understanding of our other development partners and allies. Our foreign policy must be directed at contributing to the eradication of poverty and global competitiveness.
9. Youth & Women Empowerment: Our government will treat the youth, sports, recreation and culture activities as an Industry through which businesses can be created and job opportunities established. Our women shall consciously be encouraged in governance and business. We shall encourage and support young people and women in collaboration with all financial institutions to create platforms where they can get access to finance to establish and deploy their creative energies into problem-solving apps and other forms of ICT for sports, recreation and core businesses. We will endeavour to get 30% representation of women and youth in all organs and structures of government in line with the PDP constitution.
10. National Unity, Cohesion and Restructuring: The fulcrum of our leadership will be the enhancement of a united Nigeria couched within the matrix of productivity and a shift from the sense of entitlement by officeholders and their hangers-on.
Fellow compatriots, a key propellant of our journey must be a committed desire to ensure that the labours of our heroes shall truly not be in vain. We will strive to create an atmosphere where every Nigerian has an equal opportunity to contribute. Our restructuring will be to ensure an inclusive political, social and economic space for all. All of this will ensure that first, we are Nigerians.
At this juncture, I will conclude by once again thanking all those who contributed in their own way to make this occasion a huge success. I must specifically mention those who mobilized their resources, time and energy to travel from far and near to witness this important occasion. I hope you have collected your PVC, and if you still haven’t collected your own you have tomorrow to do so. Take the opportunity to collect and encourage others to collect their own to be used to vote out the APC Government and vote in the PDP umbrella Government.”


You Hold the Key
I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
– Matthew 16:19

The Greek text of that scripture would literally read, “I give you the keys of the kingdom. Whatever you declare locked on earth is locked in heaven and whatever you declare unlocked on earth is unlocked in the heavenlies.”

The heaven Jesus was talking about there isn’t the heaven where God resides. He was talking about the battle zone, about the heaven where Satan’s forces are operating.

He was telling us that God has given us power to bind the wicked spirits in heavenly places and to loose the angelic powers of God to work in our behalf.

Philippians 2:9-10 says, “Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth.” Where? In heaven, in earth and under the earth. That covers it all!

As believers, we have total authority over the powers of Satan. We can take authority over the evil spirits that are trying to destroy this nation. We can take authority over them in the Name of Jesus and pull down their strongholds.

It is time we began to realize how important we are to world affairs. Since the day Jesus gave us the Great Commission, the life or death of the world has been in the hands of the Church. We are the ones who have the mighty Name of Jesus and the awesome strength of the gospel to bring life and abundance to every creature. We are the ones whose prayers can change every office of authority in this land.

It’s up to you and me to begin to intercede right now and use the power God has given us. We may come from different lands with different backgrounds, but we all have one thing in common—Jesus Christ is our Lord. And that alone is enough to alter the spiritual complexion of this earth.

Kenneth Copeland

Scripture Reading: Acts 4:1-14
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved.


Daily Grace Inspiration

And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.
Galatians 4:6–7
- AUGUST 29 -
Perhaps these questions have been popping into your head lately: “If You are a Christian, why are you sick? If your heavenly Father is so wonderful, why do you have so many problems? Doesn’t your God help you, His child?”

And if you have been tempted to ask, “God, I am Your child. Why is this happening to me?” know that Jesus knows exactly how you feel because 2,000 years ago, the devil played the same trick on Him—“If You are the Son of God…” (Matthew 4:3). You see, the devil’s intention was to make Jesus doubt His Sonship, and the devil wants to do the same thing to you today.

He wants to destroy the Spirit of sonship in you and in the body of believers. He knows that once you really believe that you are a son of God, something happens—you begin to live life as “an heir of God through Christ.”

As a son and an heir of God, you inherit all the blessings of God which Jesus died to give you, including salvation, healing, provision, wholeness, favor, intimacy with God and answered prayers. And Jesus rose from the dead to make sure that what He died to give you, you get. He is alive today to enforce this rich, blood-bought inheritance in your life!

My friend, you are an heir of God through Christ. This means that you are joint heirs with Jesus (see Romans 8:17). So His inheritance is your inheritance too!

What is provision when you are an heir of God? He owns every beast in the forest and the cattle on a thousand hills (see Psalm 50:10). All the diamonds and gold came from Him. What is healing when you are an heir of God? He is your Creator and the very breath of your life.

Beloved, enjoy every bit of your inheritance in Christ, not because you deserve it, but because it was paid for by Jesus’ blood!

Tuesday 28 August 2018


Abide in Jesus
If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered.
– John 15:6

If I were to ask you to make a list of a hundred things you need to do to please the Lord today, you could do it, couldn’t you? In fact, you probably have so many spiritual “dos” and “don’ts” cluttering up your mind that you’d hardly know where to start.

But you can relax. I’m not going to suggest you make a list of them. Instead, I’m going to help you simplify things by giving you only one: Abide in Jesus.

The one thing you’re truly responsible for is your union with Him. If you keep your union and fellowship with Him intact, everything else will be taken care of.

“But Gloria, I’m facing some big problems right now. My life’s turned upside down. I’m so rushed I don’t know whether I’m coming or going. I don’t have time to fellowship with the Lord today.”

That’s when you need to do it the most! You need to maintain your union with the Lord particularly when the storms of life come. I know that’s often not easy to do. Whether the storm is a sickness in your body or financial problems or family strife, the temptation will be to settle your attention and your mind on that problem. You won’t even want to think about anything else.

That’s what the devil planned on. That’s the reason he sent that storm in the first place. To distract you from fellowshiping with God. To draw your attention away from your union with Him.

Don’t fall into the devil’s trap. Instead, keep your thoughts and affections trained on the Lord. As you do that, the force of faith will begin to flow out of you. And that flow will repel every form of darkness. It will bring you in triumph through every storm.

Fellowship with Jesus today.

Gloria Copeland

Scripture Reading: Philippians 3:1-11
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved.

Monday 27 August 2018


Not of This World
Whatever is born of God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, even our faith.
– 1 John 5:4, The Amplified Bible

Years ago the devil started a rumor. He told a few Christians that as long as they lived in the world, they had to suffer as the world did. He told them they had to share the diseases and the defeat, the poverty and the failure of those around them.

It was a crafty lie—and it worked. Believers accepted it and began to spread it among themselves. You may have even heard it yourself. If so, I want to help you put that rumor to rest today. I want to help you get the facts straight once and for all.

You see, despite what you may have heard, health, prosperity and victorious living aren’t concepts some comfort-hungry believer selfishly dreamed up. They are God’s ideas.

You may say, “That sounds good, Gloria, but we’ve got to be realistic. We live in a world that’s full of problems. And as long as we live in this world, it seems to me we’re going to have our share.”

Yes, that’s true. Even Jesus said, “In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration.” But notice, He didn’t stop there! He went on to say, “But be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you]” (John 16:33, The Amplified Bible).

Most believers don’t have any trouble believing the first part of that verse. They know all too well how many tribulations, trials, distresses and frustrations surround them. But they’re less certain about the last part. They haven’t yet experienced for themselves exactly what Jesus meant when He said He had deprived those things of power to harm them.

Why not?

Because they’re still living as though they’re part of the world.

But, listen. Jesus said you and I are to be “sanctified,” or separated from the evils of this world. How? Through the Word of God (John 17:17)!

The Word of God will separate you from the world. His Word will set His dream for victory into motion in your life. If you’ll receive it and believe it, speak it and act on it, that Word will set you apart from those around you. It will take you from trouble to triumph again and again.

Gloria Copeland

Scripture Reading: John 17:1-17
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved.


All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
John 1:3
- AUGUST 27 -
Any electronic product which you buy usually comes with an instruction booklet which says, “Send only to authorized dealers for maintenance and repairs.” Similarly, when something in your body or life breaks down, you go back to Jesus, your Creator and Maker. You go to Him because God’s Word tells us that “all things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.”

The Bible says that in the beginning, God created everything by speaking (see Genesis 1), and Jesus was the Word who caused everything to come to pass (see John 1:1–2, 14). So when relationships in your family break down, when your finances are low or when some part of your body isn’t working properly, you go to Jesus who can fix it and even make it better than before!

A mother from our church testified of how God gave her a brand-new daughter who used to be a very rebellious teenager. The day the girl gave her life to Jesus marked the start of a new life with her family. She also became the face to look out for in the national swimming arena. When asked by reporters about her record-breaking feats, she told them that it was Jesus who did it all for her!

A lady once approached me and said, “Pastor Prince, I don’t know if you still remember me, but I came to you before when I was a divorcee. This is my husband—the same man I divorced some years ago. We remarried and these are our children!” Now, this doesn’t usually happen in cases where divorce has taken place, but this couple looked to Jesus and saw their broken family made whole!

When man puts something that has been broken back together, it is usually not as good as before. But when Jesus does it, all things become new (see 2 Corinthians 5:17)! The One who made the heavens and the earth is more than able to make it better than it was before!

OSUN: Adeleke Promises Prosperous Government

Press Statement

Osun @17: Adeleke Promises Prosperous Government

The governorship flagbearer of the Peoples Democratic Party in Osun State, Senator Ademola Adeleke has congratulated the people of the state on the occassion of the state's birthday ,promising to redeem the lost glory of the state of elected Govenor of the state.

"Today Osun is identified with poverty,hunger and economic hardship.Today Osun is an indebted state with huge repayment burden. Education and health sectors  are in shambles.We must redeem our state from this evil of bad government,Senator Adeleke said  in a congratulatory message   signed by the Director of Media and Publicity for the Ademola Adeleke Campaign Organisation,Olawale Rasheed.

"My late brother ,Senator Isiaka Adetunji Adeleke laid a solid foundation for modern Osun state.Other governors followed and did their best.The incumbent has however eroded and mortgaged the state through bad governance and corruption induced policies and programmes.The people of Osun state are reeling under untold hardship due to leadership wickedness and insensitivity.

"We must use the occassion of our state's birthday to reverse this retrogressive steps.Osun must place premium on human development as the foundation of sustainable development of our dear state",Adeleke noted in the statement.

While congratulating the founding fathers of the state ,Adeleke encouraged indegenes not to lose hope as theere is divine hope at the end of the tunnel.

"I urge our people to remain steadfast and unwavering in their resolve to change the change.Osun must be set on  humanity driven path.We must see development as beyond roads and bridges.We must ensure balance between human and capital development.

"My six point agenda which will be unveiled shortly addresses all the concerns of our people.I have detailed plans covering all strategic sectors as well as the capacity and passion to deliver.If elected as Governor of Osun state ,I will redeem the lost glory of our dear state",Adeleke said.

BREAKING: Plaintiffs Dismisses Case Against Adeleke Over Osun Poll

BREAKING: Osun Guber Poll: Plaintiffs Withdraw Case against Adeleke
An Osun State High Court has dismissed a suit filed against the candidacy of Senator Ademola Adeleke of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) following the withdrawal of the case by the plaintiffs.
The plaintifs, Mr Oyetunji Suredi and Mr Olagboye Adedamola, had approached the court seeking the nullification of the gubernatorial candidature of Adeleke and the declaration of Akin Ogunbiyi as the authentic candidate of the party.
Ruling on the case filed by the two members of the PDP, Justice David Oladimeji dismissed the case with N50,000 awarded against the plaintiffs.
The lawyer for the plaintiffs had created a mild drama when he informed the court that though the plaintiffs had instructed that the case be withdrawn, the legal team was still waiting to resolve some issues.
The judge in response noted that all other issues could be taken care of, advising that the instruction of the plaintiffs be effected.
Also responding, Adeleke’s lawyer, Chief Nathaniel Oke, while welcoming the decision to withdraw the case however urged the judge to dismiss the case.
In his ruling, Justice Oladimeji dismissed the case, urging the plaintiffs to go back to their party for internal unity.
Responding to the ruling, Mr Niyi Owolade, another counsel to Adeleke, said the judgment is expected as the case has no basis in law and practices.
“We know from the beginning that the case has no basis as the constitution is explicit on requirements for standing for elections. Senator Adeleke is evidently qualified to contest the governorship. This is the second ruling.
“We therefore urge PDP members to unite for the election ahead. Now is the time for campaign, not for frivolous litigation,” Owolade said.

Sunday 26 August 2018


APC jittery ahead of Osun guber poll, says PDP

Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has declared that the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), is jittery ahead of the September 22governorship poll in Osun State.

The party, in a statement signed by Prince Diran Odeyemi, PDP Deputy National Publicity Secretary, copies of which were obtained by newsmen said the rate at which those it described as "true patriots and critical stakeholders in the affairs of the state", are moving out of the party has created fear in the ranks of the APC.

The party then advised APC and its "collaborators" to perish the thought of rigging the poll, saying the people of Osun have not hidden their resolve to protect their votes, even at the risk of their life.

It also warned INEC and security agencies not to submit to pressure from the ruling party to rig the governorship poll, stressing that "APC would eventually turn whoever join it to rig the poll to 'sacrificial lamb'.

It also congratulatulated all old PDP members that are returning to the party, after sojourning in APC, for taking a bold step towards rescuing Osun, urging those that are yet to return and other people in the fold of the ruling party, with geniune interest of the state at heart, to join efforts aimed at putting a stop to continued annexation of Osun to Lagos.

The statement reads in parts: "It is obvious there is growing anxiety in the ranks of the All Progressives Congress in Osun ahead of the governorship poll because of gains the PDP has recorded dislodging the tormentors of Osun.

"The apprehension is not out of place. The sinking APC is however not relenting in its resolve to rig the governorship poll. We however warn the party that Osun indigenes and the entire PDP family across the country will not allow rigging as it was done in Ekiti.

"We are ready to protect our votes, even at the risk of our life. We won't allow what happened in Ekiti here in Osun. To APC's collaborators in the security agencies and INEC, they should learn from how the party made some people a 'sacrificial lamb' after using them.

"APC will desert them, when plans to rig fails. They should not allow the party to use them, because people of Osun will not allow anyone to subvert their wish to elect Sen  Ademola Adeleke as their governor”


August 26, 2018

Press Statement

Buhari Knows He Has Failed, Says PDP
…Says President Presides Over Felonious Empire of Corrupt Individuals
…Challenges Presidency, APC To Debate on Good Governance

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) says it has thoroughly reviewed the President Muhammadu Buhari-led All Progressives Congress (APC) administration and submits that it has irredeemably failed in every sector of our national life.

The PDP notes that available data, both locally and internationally, confirm that the Buhari administration has failed woefully in all its promises and claims, particularly on fight against-corruption, economy, security, democracy as well as in national unity and cohesion.

The party observes that the Buhari administration’s claimed fight against corruption has been exposed to be a big lie; a charade designed to hound perceived political opponents while providing cover for humongous corruption and pillaging by agents of the Buhari Presidency.

Instead of fighting corruption, this administration is practically a felonious empire of corrupt individuals, certificate forgers, contract inflators, looters of treasuries and well-known liars, making it ‘head to toe’ the biggest assemblage of plunderers in the history of our nation.

We ask, if, Mr. President is indeed a man of integrity, as his handlers wants the world to believe, why is he comfortable employing, embracing, surrounding himself with and offering protection to corrupt persons, certificate forgers and liars, as ministers, advisers and political associates?

Are there things Mr. President benefit or has in common with such individuals that attract them to him or for which they enjoy his cover to steal public funds in parastatals, agencies and ministries, particularly those under the direct supervision of the President?

Largely, due to the incompetence and corruption of the Buhari Presidency, our once robust economy has been wrecked resulting to unbearable hardship, unemployment, hunger and starvation, strange sicknesses and untold depression with compatriots resorting to suicide missions and slavery as options.

Under President Buhari, our nation has become dangerously divided. Violent clashes and bloodletting has become the order of the day. Rights of citizens are daily violated, democratic institutions, including the courts and the National Assembly have come under attack; elections are rigged with impunity; the unity of our beloved country is now under stress.

Moreover, the Buhari administration cannot boast of any major development project it has initiated, executed, and completed in the last three years, in any part of the country.

If anything, Mr. President has been going around the country shopping for projects executed by other persons, including PDP governors, to commission.

The PDP is ready to commence a series to expose the lies and failures of this administration as well as huge liability, woes and dangers it has brought on our nation.

The PDP also challenges both the Presidency and the APC to an open debate on governance, where we will further expose the failures of the  APC and Buhari Presidency to Nigerians. The time has finally come!


Kola Ologbondiyan
National Publicity Secretary

Take the First Step - Copeland

Take the First Step
The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step].
– Psalm 37:23, The Amplified Bible

God’s will is to lead you on a day-by-day basis. He’s given His Spirit to guide you every day.

Most believers don’t know that. They expect God to reveal His complete will for their lives in one big revelation. Don’t make that mistake. Don’t just sit around waiting for God to show you whether or not He wants you to go to Africa for the rest of your life.

Let Him begin to lead you in little things first, to tell you what you need to do about this situation or that one. He’ll show you what you need to change. And, as He does, you’ll change one thing at a time.

The truth is, you probably already know one thing God wants you to do. You might not know why He wants you to do it. You may not know where it’s leading, but you’ve heard His voice in your heart.

If you want to keep on hearing Him, you’ll have to set aside your own ambitions and desires. Spend time in prayer and in the Word. Tune your ear to the voice of His Spirit.

Learn to trust Him. Remember that He’s smarter than you are and be willing to do what He says whether you can understand it with your mind or not. Obey even His smallest instructions. If you do, He’ll eventually change your whole little step at a time.

Gloria Copeland

Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:1-8
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved.